EU NanoSafety Cluster Week – Building confidence in risk assessment and governance of nanomaterials innovation

NanoSafety Cluster Week Building confidence in risk assessment and governance of nanomaterials innovation Save the date October 7-10, Copenhagen Abstract deadline: 30 August 2019 Submit you abstract or Declare your interest to join us Following the conference “New tools and approaches for nanomaterials safety assessment” in February 2017, The NanoSafety Cluster is pleased to announce…

NanoSolveIT entry in the EU NanoSafety Cluster Compendium of Projects 2018

EU NanoSafety ClusterCompendium of Projects 2018 entryOverview NanoSolveIT will introduce a ground-breaking in silico Integrated Approach to Testing and Assessment (IATA) for the environmental health and safety of Nanomaterials (NM), implemented as a decision support system, packaged as a standalone open software and a Cloud platform. Below you can find and download the NanoSoveIT’s EU…